Steel City Dragons event planning template

Provide information for as many of the items below as possible. You may omit completing items that are irrelevant to your event. Template forms missing crucial details will be returned.

  1. Copy/paste the text below the line into a new email message.
  2. Complete as many details as fit your event.
  3. Send the completed template to Bob Randolph at

Who is the point person for planning the event?

What is a descriptive name of the event (e.g., “New Paddler Event”)?

What is the purpose of the event (e.g., recruit men, team building, recruit BCS)?

Venue (e.g., team room & river, team room only, Baja Bar & Grill)?

Date of event:

Start time:

End time:

If we’re hosting an organization, what is their full name?

Why are  we hosting them (recruiting, seeking donations, etc.)

Is there a sponsor organization? If so – what’s their full name?

How many attendees do we expect?

Will attendee pre-registration be required?

Will attendees pay to attend and, if so, how will funds be collected?

Will donations be collected and, if so, how?

Do you need in kind donations (e.g., baskets, prizes for raffle, refreshments)

What do we want our paddlers to do (promote, volunteer to help on day of, etc.)?

How many volunteers are needed?

What assignments will be given to the volunteers? Typical examples are:

Day-of event coordinator, Coach, Steerer, Greeter, Install head-tail-drum on boat(s), Snacks, Room decoration, Cleanup, ….etc.

How do you recommend promoting the event (e.g., social media, press release, community flyers, banners and signage)?

Do you need refreshments drinks, snacks, alcohol?

How will you follow up with attendees (e.g., thank-you note, email, phone call)?